Deep Hole Boring hinge composite tool design
Abstract:Deep processing as a new process developed after World War II, plays a huge role in national economic development. However, due to the late start of the deep hole processing technology in China is not optimistic. In this paper, a deep hole machining principle. And processing materials for the design requirements and design tool suitable for processing small and medium diameter deep hole. This paper focuses on analysis of the process characteristics of the process of deep hole machining, deep hole machining process. The preliminary analysis of the deep hole machining process characteristics. This article describes the current status of deep-hole cutting tool at home and abroad, combined with the structural design of composite tool, boring and reaming for Solidwork and AutoCAD boring, reaming three-dimensional modeling of composite tool according to design requirements.
我加工了一批箱体(WS120型蜗杆减速器)的内孔, 该孔的精度要求较高, , Ra =1.6μm,由于此孔的孔径和精度要求校高,通常用的加工手段有两种方法:方法一,先用钻头钻出孔(粗加工)后,留出精加工余量,再由技术水平较高的工人师傅直接镗出内孔达到精度要求;方法二,先对工件钻孔→扩孔→粗铰(留0.1~0.2mm的铰削余量)→精铰,来保证孔的质量。两种方法的优劣势各有不同,方法一中,其操作过程简单,加工出的孔,其直线度较好,刀具消耗低,但是对镗孔工序的工人技能要求较高(在普通机床上加工并非数控机床设备上加工时),而且较容易产生废品,工作效率也低;而方法二加工出来的孔径取决于铰刀的精度、尺寸相对稳定,对操作工人的技能水平要求也相对不很高,但是加工出来的孔其表面粗糙度低,孔的直线度较差,铰刀的消耗也很大,效率非常低,只适宜单件生产,不适合批量生产,若能综合两种加工方法的优点,既保证零件的加工精度,工人技能要求也不需很高,且又能降低生产成本,提高效率的加工方法(措施)。那么就这批产品的生产特点(批量)和当时工厂的生产条件(设备非常欠缺,只有一台Z525型钻床)及采取常规的加工方法,进行生产的难度较大且效率较低的问题就可得到很好的改善。因此,通过查找资料、借鉴工艺、设计出一款将钻孔、镗孔、铰孔容为一体的专用复合刀具。如图1所示: