(1) 总体设计:
① (DY-1000型液压动力头)结构设计
② 参数和规格的选择
(2) 设计任务
① 主要技术参数
② 输入功率和输出功率的计算
③ 卡盘夹紧力的计算
④ 动力头零部件力学性能计算
⑤ 设计并绘制动力头及卡盘总体装配图和部分零件图
⑥ 相关液压系统原理图设计
⑦ 论文内容在包括上述设计计算的基础上还应对设计项目的技术水平、国内外发展趋势、具体结构的优缺点等方面进行充分对比和分析论述,图文结合。
(3) 设计要求
① 主要任务:学生应在教师指导下独立完成一项给定的设计任务,编写符合要求的设计说明书,正确运用PRO-E软件来建模并绘制机械工程图纸,独立撰写一份毕业论文。
② 知识要求:学生在毕业设计工作中,应综合运用多学科的理论、知识与技能,分析与解决工程问题。通过学习、钻研与实践,深化理论认识、扩展知识领域、延伸专业技能。
③ 能力培养要求:学生应学会依据技术课题任务,完成资料的调研、收集、加工与整理,正确使用工具书;培养学生掌握有关工程设计的程序、方法与技术规范,提高工程设计计算、图纸绘制、编写技术文件的能力;培养学生运用掌握的信息和技术资料独立撰写科技论文的能力;锻炼学生分析与解决工程实际问题的能力;锻炼学生运用计算机软件的能力。
④ 综合素质要求:通过毕业设计或撰写论文,学生应掌握正确的设计思想,牢固树立技术、生产和成本的和谐统一意识;培养学生严肃认真的科学态度和严谨求实的工作作风。
① 计算说明书一份
② 图纸一套
1) 液压动力头装配图一张(0号)
2) 动力头箱体图一张(1号)
3) 所有零件图
Hydraulic core drilling rig is a new rig, absorb the vertical shaft in the core and rotary core drilling rig structure developed on the basis of merit. Has produced a hydraulic core drill main advantages are: to be a long process, can reduce the auxiliary time during drilling, the hole will help to reduce accidents; power head to move along the slide to the more rigid, so oriented, good orientation, rotation, smooth; drill down into the agencies and institutions to one, the power head and the orifice holder can be achieved with the drilling screw unloading, this structure simplifies the structure of the rig and ancillary equipment. Hydraulic core drill also has a step less, speed range, overload performance, can be automated, remote automatic control and so on. However, hydraulic core drill a larger power consumption, transmission efficiency is low, removable poor, the high accuracy of hydraulic components, easy maintenance.
The drilling rig ready when the piston rod through the base will be flat on the base of the working bodies of rotation 90 °, softened hydraulic legs, and adjust the smooth and reliable, then you can drill vertical holes. Drill installation is completed, power. At this point, the drill chuck clamping, gripping is in release state. Power output of the power head, the hydraulic system driven by hydraulic motor rotates the motor output shaft in the gear shaft, the gearbox, the power to the hollow output shaft. Hollow shaft connected to drive rotation of the chuck at the same speed, thus rotating drill pipe. Coupled into the body adjust to the appropriate hydraulic pressure to complete drilling work drill
Keywords: hydraulic core drill the power head
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