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  • 柴里煤矿机电设备选型设计毕业设计
  • 柴里煤矿机电设备选型设计毕业设计

    Coal is China's basic energy and important raw materials, the national economy in an important strategic position, it is China's national conditions.At present, the coal industry faces some situation: safe foundation is weak, the safety production grim situation, Comprehensive utilization of resources enough to improve ecological environment of mining, urgent. Advanced and backward production capacity, technical level is low.
    This topic in the main direction for mine electrical equipment.To achieve high efficiency of coal mining, must be the correct selection of equipment.
    According to the subject, this design main design requirements from the mine geographical location, the field direction, roof and floor condition, hydrology geology, mine exploit system, ventilation and drainage requirements, main transport system based on the basic case, the mine coal Jinan type design, selection of hydraulic support design, scraper conveyor belt conveyor design, selection of design, selection of equipment type selection, ventilation and drainage design selection of equipment design.And map form a complete set of compressors, arrangement plan of the water pump, fan Sultanship, electric control principle diagram of the system.
    Key words: shearer, hydraulic support ,conveyor, belt conveyor,hoist,
    drainage and ventilation, Selection design

    1矿井概况 1
    1.1矿井地理位置及井田分布 1
    1.2煤层赋存情况、顶底板条件 4
    1.3水文地质情况 14
    1.4矿井开拓系统 17
    1.5煤层开采方式 17
    1.6矿井自然灾害情况 17
    1.7通风及排水要求 20
    1.8主运输系统 21
    1.9矿井供电系统 21
    2采煤工作面设备选型计算 22
    2.1采煤工作面设计 22
    2.2 采煤工艺 25
    2.3采煤设备配套要求 27
    2.4 采煤机选型计算 31
    2.5支护设备选型计算 47
    2.6刮板输送机机选型计算 63
    2.7 乳化液泵站选型计算 71
    2.8喷雾泵站的选型计算 77
    2.9 配电设备选型计算 78
    2.10采煤工作面的生产管理 79
    3运输设备选型计算 87
    3.1可伸缩带式输送机的选型设计 87
    3.2采区带式输送机选型 97
    3.3运输大巷电机车选型设计 110
    4矿井提升设备选型 121
    4.1提升方案的确定 121
    4.2多绳摩擦式提升机选型设计 124
    5排水设备选型设计 155
    5.1 煤矿安全规程对主排水设备的要求 155
    5.2矿井水文资料 155
    5.3设计选型步骤 156
    6矿井通风设备选型计算 171
    6.1原始资料 171
    6.2通风设备参数设计 171
    7专题 178
    7.1掘进工作面设备选型计算 178
    7.2摩擦式提升机提升容器速度检测与保护控制 188
    7.3支杆强度的校核 200
    参考文献 223
    致 谢 225
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