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  • 加工中心的主轴箱设计及横向进给机构的设计
  • 加工中心的主轴箱设计及横向进给机构的设计
    关键词:交流调速电机 滚珠丝杠 步进电机 单片机系统扩展
    Abstract:This design tries a new method after the analyze and research of the exited machining center with the higher automatization degrees and the simpler configuration,which will be explained in the paper. In the method, AC adjustable-speed motor is used for the realization of the level shift in variable speed,and in the motion of, we all adopt ball bearing thread haulm for the X、Y、Z direction,The power of which is step by step electromotor transferred by gear that used for adjusting gaps.And more,we used singlechip for numerical control.
    The control system introduces MCS-51 series singlechip,and the realization of hardware circuit was accomplished by enlarging program memorizer、data memorizer and I/O meet meatus.Also,the paper explained the design for software system.
    Keywords:AC adjustable-speed motor、ball bearing thread haulm、the step by step electromotor、the enlarge for SCM system

    1 机床总体方案设计 ------------------------------2
    1.1 机床总体尺寸参数的选定------------------2
    1.2 机床主要部件及运动方式的选定------------3
    1.3 机床总体布局的确定----------------------3
    2 主传动的设计计算-------------------------------7
    2.1 电机的选择------------------------------7
    2.2 齿轮传动的设计计算----------------------8
    2.3 轴的设计计算---------------------------12
    2.4 离合器的选用---------------------------19
    3 进给系统的设计计算----------------------------20
    3.1 横向进给系统的设计计算-----------------20
    4 控制系统的设计--------------------------------37
    4.1 控制系统总体方案的拟订-----------------37
    4.2 总控制系统硬件电路设计-----------------40
    参考文献 ---------------------------------------53
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加工中心的主轴箱设计及横向进给机构的设计_下载(rar格式) 成套图纸