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  • 皮带输送机全套毕业设计
  • 皮带输送机设计(无角度)全套毕业设计
    摘 要

    This design is the design of the belt conveyer of QD model, concentrate on low manufacturing costs, simple structure and reliable design which have adopted enumerated data and the design method of advanced belt conveyers while adopting design data and the design method of the belt conveyer of QD model of tradition.
    Design in the part of bearing roller selecting , greatly reduced the quantity of bearing roller groups by the reasonably determine and optimization arrange of across block of bearing roller groups. The bearing groups from 1000 groups of original decreasing go to 400 groups, the section of return trip also goes to 200 groups correspondingly by 500 groups of original decreasing. In pull installation design part, select pull installation design by analysis advantages and shortcomings of various pull installation. Combine hammer vehicle pull installation to winch pull without increasing cost, as a result, synthesized the superities of both two.
    It’s a kind of resource waste to use high disposition of actuating device for belt conveyer, but low disposition would serious influence conveyer life, so select actuating device reasonably is very important. At last choose the motor of Y model + hydraulic coincidence ware of speed adjustment + gear reducer as actuating devices. Belt conveyer is a main transport equipment, analyses the reasons of conveyer belt off tracking, puts forward improving measures and precautions to ensure the safety operation of belt conveyer.

    KeyWords: belt conveyer, span, pull, actuating device, off tracking

    目 录
    摘 要 I
    Abstract I
    1 绪 论 1
    2 输送机主要部件的选型与设计计算 5
    2.1 设计的原始数据 5
    2.2 输送机带速的选择 5
    2.3 输送带宽度的计算选择 5
    2.4 输送机输送能力的计算 7
    2.5 功率计算 8
    2.5.1 传动滚筒轴功率计算 8
    2.5.2 附加功率计算 8
    2.5.3 电动机功率计算 9
    2.6 输送带的计算选型 10
    2.6.1 输送带的结构 10
    2.6.2 覆盖胶的性能及适用情况 12
    2.6.4 最大张力计算 13
    2.6.5 输送带层数计算 14
    2.7 滚筒直径及托辊组的选择计算 16
    2.7.1 传动滚筒直径的确定 16
    2.7.2 改向滚筒直径的确定 17
    2.7.3 托辊组的设计选择 18
    2.8 输送机驱动装置的设计 19
    2.8.1 带式输送机的启动过程分析 19
    2.8.2 大型带式输送机对驱动装置的要求 21
    2.8.3 现有驱动装置及其分类 21
    2.8.4 带式输送机各种驱动方式的比较研究 22
    2.8.5 确定驱动方式 24
    2.8.6 电动机的选择计算 27
    2.8.7 调速型液力耦合器的选型 27
    2.8.8 减速器的计算选型 28
    2.9 带式输送机拉紧装置的设计 30
    2.9.1 拉紧装置的作用 30
    2.9.2 各种拉紧装置的性能比较及拉紧装置的确定 31
    2.9.3 重锤车式拉紧方式的研究分析 33
    2.9.4 重锤车式拉紧装置行程的确定及重锤重量的计算 33
    2.10 托辊组间距的合理确定 35
    2.10.1 逐点计算法计算张力 36
    2.10.2 计算合理的托辊组间距 38
    2.11 输送带跑偏的控制 40
    2.11.1 输送带跑偏的原因 40
    2.11.2 调偏原理及跑偏的控制措施 41
    3 带式输送机的辅助设备 43
    3.1 卸料器的选型 43
    3.2 清扫器的设计 43
    3.3 头架、尾架、中间架的设计 43
    结 论 44
    致 谢 45
    参考文献 46
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