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  • 800型立式沉降离心机毕业设计
  • 800型立式沉降离心机毕业设计
    摘要:本文介绍了800型立式沉降离心机的性能参数、结构原理和分析、转鼓的设计计算、轴设的设计计算及校核、斜齿轮的设计计算以及设计来源。800型立式沉降离心机是以工厂现行生产的卧式沉降离心机有关样本为基础设计出的新型沉降离心机。 800型立式沉降离心机可以克服现行螺旋卸料沉降离心机占地面积(或体积)大和现在常用的两种差速变速器(有摆线针轮行星变速器和双级2K-H渐开线齿轮行星变速器)结构复杂,价格昂贵等缺点, 并且该立式沉降离心机能使滤料在转鼓内的滞留时间(即固液分离时间)比现行的卧式沉降离心机延长10~15倍(1—5min),从而提高了分离效果。 该立式沉降离心机 工作可靠,运行平稳,产品质量稳定,操作维护简单,噪音小;对物料适应性好,结构紧凑,其进料口、出液口和出渣口便于连接到生产自动线上等优点。整个操作过程是在全速、连续运转下自动进行。它的生产率为每小时排出3 渣。它将广泛应用于石油、化工、冶金、医药、食品及轻工等部门和环境保护的污水处理。


    Design of 800-type vertical subsidence centrifuges
    Abstract:This article introduces the 800-type vertical subsidence centrifuges performance parameter, structure principle, rotor drum, axis, and helical gear design calculation. The 800-type vertical subsidence centrifuges are innovated from the factory present production horizontal-type subsidence centrifuge related sample . The 800-type vertical subsidence centrifuges may overcome the present spiral outloading and the present commonly used two inter-species differences fast transmission gearbox (have cycloid pin gear planetary transmission and twin-stage 2K-H involute gear planetary transmission) the structure complex, the price is expensive, And this vertical subsidence gentrifugelism function causes to filter the material (namely solid fluid separation time) to lengthen 10~15 in rotor drum dead time compared to the present horizontal-type subsidence centrifuge to double (1~5min), thus improve the separation effect. This vertical subsidence centrifuge work reliable, it can movement steadily, product quality stable, operate maintenance simply, the noise is small; The machine is adept to material compatibility good, the structure is compact, ard, the fluid outlet and the slag notch are advantageous to connect the production from the generatrix superior merit. The entire operating process is under full speed. The work is carried on automatically. Its productivity discharges 3 m3 dregs for each hour. It will appled widely to the environmental protection petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, medicine, food and light industry sewage treatment,and so on.

    Key words:Subsidence centrifuge; belt wheel; Helical gear ;Rotor drum; Axis

    1前言 1
    1.1 本课题的来源,基本前提条件和技术要求 1
    1.2 本课题要解决的主要问题和设计总体思路 1
    1.3 预期的成果及其理论意义 2
    2 国内外发展状况及现状介绍 3
    3 总体方案论证 4
    4 具体设计说明 6
    4.1 离心机转鼓设计 6
    4.1.1 离心机转鼓壁厚计算 6
    4.1.2 转鼓的强度校核 7
    4.2 离心机驱动功率计算 8
    4.3电机的选用 10
    4.4 带轮的设计计算 10
    4.5 齿轮的设计与计算 12
    4.5.1 选择齿轮材料、热处理方法、精度等级、齿数 12
    4.5.2.按齿根弯曲疲劳强度设计 13
    4.5.3.校核齿面接触疲劳强度 15
    4.6 轴的设计计算 15
    4.6.1轴的设计 15
    4.6.2 对该轴进行强度校核 16
    4.7 空心轴的设计计算 20
    4.7.1 空心轴的设计 20
    4.7.2 对轴进行强度校核 21
    5.结论 25
    主要参考文献 26
    致 谢 27
    附 录 28

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