关键词:机械传动 转速器盘 夹具设计
The Plate Processing Technology and Its Speed Fixture Design
Student: BIN Shang-wen Teacher: DAI xuan-jun
Abstract: Mechanical production is the study of product design, production, manufacture, sale, repair and regeneration of the whole process of engineering disciplines will be added. Modern machinery manufacturing technology more and more developed, but in power prior to the large-scale use of new production, original mature production conditions are still being used, in machinery production plays an important role in the process. 2105 mechanical equipment used in the production of diesel engines, speed disk for which connection manual installation and the gas, important part to realize continuously variable, is irreplaceable part. Analysis and calculation of its, and selected according to the results of the processing machine tools, design the appropriate fixture, is the main content of this graduation. Designed starting from the overall analysis of the speed, after bad materials, process analysis, determine the processing rules and detailed calculations of the surface to be processed one by one, and find the tools selection of books, such as machine tools. Φ10mm on the last selected part design of fixture for hole machining.
Key words: mechanical transmission tachometer disk fixture design