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  • PLC可编程控制器作工件抓取机械手
  • PLC可编程控制器作工件抓取机械手
    摘 要

    关键字: 可编程控制器PLC;机械手;步进电机;控制设计;I/O接口;电气回路

    Pneumatic manipulator is a automated devices that can mimic the human hand and arm movements to do something,aslo can according to a fixed procedure to moving objects or control tools. It can replace the heavy labor in order to achieve the production mechanization and automation, and can work in dangerous working environments to protect the personal safety, Therefore widely used in machine building, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and atomic energy sectors.
    Manipulator is an automatic position control and programming the machine to change again, this design is a model of manipulator based on PLC control system design. Pneumatic manipulator control system of design requirements is in control system of instruction Xia, can will workpiece quickly, and flexible, and accurate, and reliable to grabbed and delivery to specified location, so this design used PLC can programming controller as workpiece crawl manipulator of control system, first under manipulator of action process and entered output requirements select has PLC of model, and under manipulator function and characteristics on all original for has selection and on its for has calculation and school and, After the robot gripper is a design and calculation and school and, on the basis of the electrical circuit has been designed, last on the control system hardware and select the Edit original to determine I/O interface, editing and debugging of programs, so that the robot to complete the final setup tasks.

    Key words: PLC programmable controller ;Manipulator ;Stepping motor ;
    Control design ;I/O interface ;Electrical circuit
    目 录

    第1章 绪论…………………………………………………………..….….1
    1.1 课题背景…………………………………………………………...…..1
    1.2 机械手的定义与分类……………………………………………...…..2
    1.3 机械手应用及组成结构…………………………………………...…..2
    1.4 机械手的发展趋势…………………………………………….…..…..3
    1.5 总体设计要求………………………………………………….…..…..4
    1.6 基本内容和拟解决的问题……………………………………….….…5
    第2章 PLC的介绍与选择…………………………………….…..……6
    2.1 PLC的特点………………………………………………….….…..…..6
    2.2 PLC的选型……………………………………………………..…..…..7
    2.3 三菱FX系列的结构功能………………………………….……...…..8
    2.4 本章小结……………………………………………………….....……9
    第3章 各功能实现形式与控制方式…………………………..…..…11
    3.1 机械手模型的机能和特性……………………………………..…..…11
    3.2 夹紧机构…………………………………………………………....…11
    3.3 躯干……………………………………………………………..…......11
    3.4 直流电机的选择…………………………………………………....…12
    3.5 步进电机…………………………………………………………....…12
    3.6 步进电机驱动器……………………………………………….......….14
    3.7 传感器……………………………………………………………......16
    3.8 直流电机驱动单元……………………………………………..…....18
    3.9 旋转编码盘………………………………………………………..…18
    第4章 机械手手爪的设计……………………………………..…..….21
    4.1 手爪的种类及设计注意事项……………………………………..…21
    4.2 手指的抓取机能及手指尺寸计算………………………………..…22
    4.3 夹紧气缸的选用…………………………………………………..…25
    4.4 手爪驱动力的计算…………………………………………………..26
    4.5 气压传动的设计要求……………………………………………..….30
    4.6 气压传动系统组成………………………………………………..….30
    4.7 气路设计………………………………………………………….…..30
    4.8 本章小结…………………………………………………………..….31
    第5章 控制系统设计………………………………………………...…32
    5.1 控制系统硬件设计………………………………………………..…32
    5.2 PLC梯形图中的编辑元件…………………………………….….…32
    5.3 PLC的I/O分配………………………………………………..….…33
    5.4 机械手控制系统的外部接线图……………………………….….....33
    5.5 控制系统软件设计…………………………………………….….....34
    5.6 公用程序……………………………………………………….….....35
    5.8 手动单步操作程序……………………………………………...…...36
    5.9 回原位程序……………………………………………………...…...36

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PLC可编程控制器作工件抓取机械手_下载(rar格式) 成套图纸