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  • 自行车用无级变速器结构设计
  • 自行车用无级变速器结构设计
    1 绪 论 3
    1.1 机械无级变速器的概述及应用 3
    1.2 无级变速器的分类 3
    1.3 机械无级变速器的发展 4
    1.4 无级变速自行车研究现状 6
    1.5 毕业论文设计内容和要求 7
    2 钢球行星式无级变速器的总体方案选择 9
    2.1 采用螺旋传动实现球架的左右移动 9
    2.2 依靠左右推动实现球架的移动 10
    2.3 两方案的选择与比较 10
    3 钢球行星式无级变速器部分零件的设计计算 11
    3.1 钢球的设计计算 11
    3.2 钢球支轴转角的设计计算 12
    3.3 轴槽的长度及卡盘的倾斜角的设计计算 13
    3.4 轴的设计计算 14
    3.4.1 轴的选材及最小直径的计算 14
    3.4.2 轴的结构设计 15
    3.4.3 轴的校核 16
    3.5 滚动轴承的选择 18
    3.6 自行车无级变速器的安装 19
    4 钢球行星式无级变速器的变速原理论证 20
    4.1 关于本文的无级变速器 20
    4.2 无级变速的运动结构分析 20
    4.2.1无级变速的运动 20
    4.2.2 变速原理分析 22
    5 结论 23
    参考文献 24
    致谢 25
    外文翻译 26


    学生:朱杨华 指导老师:聂松辉
    摘 要
    关键字: 无级变速自行车 无级变速器 调速

    The design of the CVT on bicycle

    Major:Mechanical design manufacturing and automation

    Student: Zhu Yang Hua Supervisor:Nei Song Hui
    Have no the class gearbox spread to mean under the function that is a certain to control, make the exportation stalk of machine turn soon can at two pole is worth the continuous variety in the scope of spread a way.But have no class gearbox is such a kind of device, it has active with from move two stalks, and can pass to deliver the middle of turning the Ju to lie quality(the solid, fluid and electromagnetism flows) to contact two stalks directly or indirectly to deliver power.When to lord, from move an axial contact relation to carry on a control, can immediately make spreading of 2 compare occurrence variety.(be worth to change in a row but at will inside the scope in two poles).Based on the analysis of various CVT and CVT bikes,in this dissertation ,we change some parts of the Kopp-B CVT forming a new kind of CVT used to the bicycle .They are used to input or output the power through the friction and a pair of helical gears is also used to adjust the speed, so the speed can change between 0.75 and 1.22.This research shows that when the CVT are used in the bicycle ,they can significant improve the performance of bike so that all customers can use it convenient.
    Keyword: CVT bike CVT Speed control.
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