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  • 制钵机的设计
  • 制钵机的设计

    摘  要 5
    1、引言 5
    1.1研究设计制钵机的意义 5
    1.2制钵机现状分析 5
    1.3制钵机的应用前景 5
    1.4课题研究的内容及拟采取的技术、方法 5
    2、制钵机的用途和设计要求 5
    2.1用途 5
    2.2设计要求 5
    3、制钵机总体方案的设计 5
    3.1工艺分析 5
    3.2 机构的方案比较及选择 5
    3.3拌料、填料 5
    3.4物料输送和各工序转移 5
    3.5钵体的成型和冲出 5
    3.6播种和覆土 5
    3.7协调配合关系 5
    3.8拟定传动方案 5
    4、绘制工作循环图 5
    5、减速系统的设计 5
    5.1电动机的选择 5
    5.2传动比的确定,各轴功率以及带传动设计 5
    5.3齿轮设计和校对 5
    6、主要结构设计 5
    6.1模盘的结构和尺寸确定 5
    6.2曲柄(偏心轮)滑块(滑杆)机构的结构尺寸 5
    6.3轴Ⅲ的结构设计及其校核 5
    6.4轴承的校核 5
    6.5键较核 5
    6.6机构生产调节说明 5
    7、总结 5
    参考文献: 5
    致谢 5

    摘 要:本文所设计的ZBJ1000型制钵机是用来生产在农业生产中广泛使用的育秧钵。育秧钵的钵体由配有各种肥料的土壤做成圆柱状,上端有一凹孔,用来播种种子。用育秧钵进行育苗和移栽,能够保证种子有足够养料以及种子成苗后可以方便的移栽到田间,种子发芽率、成活率高,苗体强壮且防虫害。


    Abstract:ZBJ1000 earthen bowl machine ,which is designed in this text ,is used to produce the seedling bowl ,which is very popular in the agricultural produce .The seedling bowl is made as a cylinder by the nutritional soil ,which consists of all kinds of fertilizer .And there is a cave pit in the top of the bowl , which is the very hole we put the seedling in .Growing and transplanting the seeds in this bowl can make sure the seeds have enough time and nutrition to grow with ,high germination rate ,high survival rate ,strong and anti-pest.
    ZBJ1000 earthen bowl machine ,differently from the former machine ,has lots of benefits just like :higher production ,easier structure ,more convenient handling ,automation and economy .Besides it can realize the earlier growth ,earlier maturity ,earlier on market , and it can economy labor force ,fertilizer and agrochemical at the same time.
    This text is going to introduce the ZBJ1000 earthen bowl machine about its structure ,motion ,work principle and size.

    Keywords:earthen bowl machine 、nursery 、kinematical analysis 、bowl.
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制钵机的设计_下载(rar格式) 成套图纸