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  • 内循环式烘干机总体及卸料装置设计
  • 内循环式烘干机总体及卸料装置设计.rar


    The single cylinder type of this text at analyze dryer turns round the foundation exsits the problem is last, introducing a cylinder type turns round the construction characteristics of the dryer with work principle, and according to that machine usage in cement works result, solid measure the data with compute the conclusion, explain that machine to is all a kind of in theories still practice regardless efficiently, the ideal of the economy energy dries the equipments.A cylinder type dryer is an one to pass to the single the dryer of cylinder to change for together of two cylinder or three cylinder , to shorten the shape size of the dryer.When that machine work, the material flows to enter the of cylinder outside the inside one by one in order with the hot air, after dryer inside make" V" or" N" form back and forths fold flow, make use of well the thermal energy dries the material empress unloads again.The dryer's cylinder part inside coat cylinder that place be constituted by two cylinder stalk level, inside is a cylinder , the outside cylinder is for keeping the cylinder , this make the an of the of cylinder got to make use of well, its cylinder shape total length invites 50% - 60% of the very single cylinder , from but significant decrease cover the area to construct the area with the factory premises

    Keywords:Turn round the type dryer, set cylinder type dryer, economy

    0 引言 1
    0.1 概述 1
    0.2 工作原理及结构特点 1
    0.3 结语 2
    1 物料的烘干 3
    1.1 干燥设备分类及在水泥工业中的应用 3
    1.2 回转烘干机的型号和特性 4
    1.3 工作原理及结构特点 6
    2 双筒烘干机的设计计算 8
    2.1 水分蒸发强度及烘干机尺寸计算 8
    2.2 物料需在转筒内烘干时间的计算 10
    2.3 烘干机转速的计算 11
    2.4 回转烘干机所需动力的计算 12
    2.5 烘干机产量的计算 13
    3 卸料罩壳的设计 14
    4 密封装置的设计 15
    4.1 密封装置的位置与要求 15
    4.2 密封结构 15
    5 传动装置 17
    5.1 电动机选型 17
    5.2 YCT系列电动机 17
    6 减速机的设计 19
    7 支承装置 20
    7.1 托轮与轴承的结构 20
    7.2 托轮与轴承的设计 20
    8 结论 21
    致谢 22
    参考文献 23
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内循环式烘干机总体及卸料装置设计_下载(rar格式) 成套图纸