This topic is revolves the ordinary engine bed to transform theeconomy numerical control engine bed to launch the design, the economynumerical control engine bed is refers to the price to be inexpensive,the operation easy to operate, suits our country national condition tobe loaded with the simple numerical control system the highlyeffective automated engine bed. The small and medium-sized enterprisein order to expand the production, often hoped carries on thetransformation to the original old engine bed, realizes the numericalcontrol, the automation. The economy numerical control engine bedsystem is unifies the reality the production reality, unifies ourcountry national condition, in satisfies the system basic functionunder the premise, reduces the price as far as possible. The pricesmall advantage, the performance price are more moderate than is itsmost main characteristic, specially suits in the equipment holds angreater proportion the conventional lathe to transform, suits in theproduction first line big area promotion. The enterprise applicationeconomy numerical control system carries on the transformation afterthe equipment, will increase the product processing precision and thevolume production ability, simultaneously will be able to maintain"the multi-purpose processing" and "special-purpose is highlyeffective" these two kind of attributes, will enhance equipmentoneself to the product renewal strain capacity, the enhancemententerprise's competitive ability.
英文关键词:The C616 ordinary engine bed, the numerical control transformation,longitudinal enters for crosswise enters for, the engine bed contourtransformation.
1 设计任务