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  • 汽车随车起重机设计
  • 00330-汽车随车起重机设计
    摘 要
    起升机构设计 起升机构包括液压马达、减速机、棘轮停止器和卷筒。减速机用来降低液压马达驱动速度,卷筒用于绕进或放出钢丝绳。机构工作时,液压马达驱动减速机,减速机的低速轴带动卷筒,将钢丝绳卷上或放出,经过滑轮组系统使载荷实现上升或下降,其升降由马达的旋转方向而定,通过棘轮停止器实现制动。
    起重臂设计 起重臂采用伸缩式、箱形结构。箱形结构内装有伸缩油缸,臂的每个外节段内装有滑块支座,因此起重机的变幅可通过液压缸实现。为了减轻吊臂自重,充分发挥钢材的作用,吊臂的不同部位采用不同强度的钢材。
    回转机构设计 回转机构由回转支承装置和回转驱动装置组成。即一对脂润滑的回转支承装置、蜗轮旋杆减速机和液压马达。这种结构自重轻、受力合理、运行平稳,可以使机构在水平面内运输货物。

    [关键词]: 随车起重机;起升机构;起重臂;回转机构;回转支承


    6.3Truck Mounted Crane (abbreviation TMC) belongs to boom-Crane .It combines the advantages .So it can greatly decrease labor intensity, increase working I use flexible boom in TMC for the first time and have a optimization design. This product has features of compact structure, easy operation. It is suitable for wide use in traffic transportantion,dock warehouse and all small-sized industries for goods loading loading and unloading and long distance transportation. Its main content includes the following aspects:
    The design for winch mechanism The winch mechanism consists of hydraulic motor, reducer, ratchet wheel stop and winch drum.Reducer lowers the speed of hydraulic motor for driving the winch drum to wind or unwind the load hoisting wire rope. When working, the motor drives reducer and bring along winch drum rotation, then the wire rope is wound or unwound ,the load will be lift or lowered through pulley block system. Lifting or lowering of the load will be controlled by the rotation direction of the motor. Ratchet wheel stop is used to stop the motion of the drum, holding the load in the air.
    The design of boom The boom adopts flexible type and box-shaped structure.Cylinder bodies are fitted on the boom. There are slide supports at outsides of every section of booms. The working range of TMC can outsides of every are fitted on the boom.There are slide supports at outsides of every section of booms. The working range of TMC can be realized by the extension or retraction of cylinder body. It uses different steel products in different positions for decrcasing boom’s weight and fully developing steel products’ function.
    The design of swing mechanism Swing mechanism contains swing bearing and swing driver, the same is, no-oil lubricated bearings, worm-and-wheel steering gear and gydraulic motor. This structure has the advantages of light weight, reliable force on it and smooth action. It can make the load transported in the horizontal plane.
    Key words TruckMounted Crane ;winch mechanism;Boom ;swing mechanism;Swing bearing

    目 录

    1 起升机构的设计……………………………………………………………1
    1.1 起升机构的基本参数计算…………………………………………1
    1.1.1传动方案 ……………………………………………………1
    1.1.2基本参数的计算 ……………………………………………1
    1.2 钢丝绳的设计与选用 ……………………………………………3
    1.3 滑轮及滑轮组设计 ………………………………………………4
    1.3.1 选材与材料…………………………………………………4
    1.3.2 滑轮直径D …………………………………………………5
    1.3.3 绳最大偏角…………………………………………………5
    1.3.4 滑轮轴设计…………………………………………………5
    1.3.5 滑轮轴承的设计与校核……………………………………6
    1.4 吊钩的设计与选用 ………………………………………………6
    1.4.1 选材…………………………………………………………6
    1.4.2 构造…………………………………………………………6
    1.4.3 吊钩挂架……………………………………………………6
    1.4.4 横梁…………………………………………………………6
    1.5 卷筒设计 …………………………………………………………7
    1.5.1 名义直径……………………………………………………7
    1.5.2 卷筒的长度…………………………………………………7
    1.5.3 卷筒厚度……………………………………………………8
    1.5.4 卷筒强度校核………………………………………………8
    1.6 减速器设计 ………………………………………………………8
    1.6.1 总传动比及其分配…………………………………………8
    1.6.2 传动装置的运动参数计算…………………………………8
    1.6.3 齿轮设计……………………………………………………9
    1.6.4 棘轮设计……………………………………………………15
    1.6.5 轴的设计……………………………………………………16
    2 起重臂的设计………………………………………………………………25
    2.1 三铰点设计…………………………………………………………25
    2.2 起重臂设计…………………………………………………………26
    2.2.1 起重臂基本参数计算与选用 ………………………………26
    2.2.2 起重臂的形状及主要计算参数 ……………………………27
    3 回转机构的设计……………………………………………………………32
    3.1 回转支承的选用……………………………………………………32
    3.1.1 简介 …………………………………………………………32
    3.1.2 载荷计算 ……………………………………………………32
    3.1.3 阻力矩计算 …………………………………………………33
    3.1.4 校核 …………………………………………………………34
    3.1.5 回转减速机输出扭矩 ………………………………………34
    3.2 回转减速器的选用…………………………………………………35
    3.3 支腿反力的计算……………………………………………………36
    参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………37
    设计总结 ………………………………………………………………………38
    致谢 ……………………………………………………………………………39
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