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  • 液压支架总体及底座毕业设计
  • 液压支架总体及底座毕业设计
    摘 要
    本文阐述了掩护式液压支架的设计过程,包括液压支架的整体设计,结构设计,强度校核等。文中采用VB程序对四连杆进行优化设计计算,避免了传统复杂费时的试算法,同时又能有效的地控制顶梁前端点运动的双纽线轨迹的宽度在30mm以内,更好的达到液压支架的设计要求。液压支架的设计、制造和使用,从1954年英国研制成功了液压支架发展到现在,已经基本成熟,它已经形成了能适应各种不同煤矿地质条件的各类液压支架。支架的部件设计包括立柱,推移千斤顶 ,底座等部件的设计。本设计中采用单伸缩双作用式立柱,底座采用整体箱式结构。千斤顶采用浮动推移千斤顶,以减少推溜力,增大移架力。

    In this paper, cover-hydraulic support the design process, including hydraulic support the overall design, structural design, strength, such as checking. VB procedures used in the text of the four-link optimized design, to avoid the traditional complex and time-consuming test method, while effective control of the top beam front of the two-point movement trajectory of the New Zealand line in the width of 30 mm within the reach of better Pressure stent design requirements. Hydraulic support for the design, manufacture and use, from 1954 the British successfully developed a hydraulic support the development up to now, has basically matured, it has become to adapt to the different geological conditions of coal mines of various types of hydraulic support. Stent design, including parts of the column, Jack goes, the design of the base and other components. The design of single-column stretching double role, please use the box-type structure. Jack Jack with floating over to reduce the push slip, and increased power-shift.

    Key words: Hydraulic Support ;four-bar mechanism;Optimal Design ;standing-column;baseplate 
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液压支架总体及底座毕业设计_下载(rar格式) 成套图纸