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- 花生去壳机设计论文
摘 要
花生中富含脂肪和蛋白质,既是主要的食用植物油来源,而且又可提供丰富的植物蛋白质。花生在制取油脂、制取花生蛋白、生产花生仪器以及在花生贸易出口时,都需要对花生进行预处理加工。花生的预处理主要包括花生的剥壳和分级、破碎、轧胚和蒸炒等。花生在加工或作为出口商品时,需要进行剥壳加工。花生在制取油脂时,剥壳的目的是为了提高出油率, 提高毛油和饼粕的质量,利于轧胚等后续工序的进行和皮壳的综合利用。
关键词:花生 脱壳 刮板式花生去壳机
Peanuts are rich in fat and protein, both major sources of edible vegetable oil, but also provide a wealth of plant protein. Preparation of peanut oil, extraction of peanut protein, peanut production equipment and export trade in peanuts, peanut require pretreatment processing. Peanuts include peanut sheller pretreatment and grading, crushing, rolling, such as embryo and steamed fried. Peanuts during processing or as an export commodity, the need to peel processing. Preparation of peanut oil, the peel is designed to improve the oil yield, increased crude oil and meal quality, conducive to the follow-up processes such as rolling the embryo and the husk of utilization.
The principle of a lot of peanut sheller, resulting in a very wide variety of peanut shelling machine. Peanut sheller peanut sheller parts is the key working parts, peel components determines the level of technology equipment operation rate of just crushing peanuts, peanuts and a stripping ratio of net production efficiency and other important economic indicators. In the current production and sales in peanut crushing rate is most concerned about the major social indicators.
Peanut shelling machine is to remove the pod peanut shell and get the field operating machinery. Since its physiological characteristics of peanut peanut peanut shelling the field can not be joint operations with the harvest, but only the moisture content in the pod down to a certain extent, be carried out after the shelling. With the continuous development of planting peanuts, peanut shelling by hand have failed to meet the requirements of efficient production, the implementation of mechanical shelling is imminent.
Peanut Shelling Machine since 1965 the Ministry issued the original eight peanut shelling machine Machine issue, there have been dozens of peanut shelling machines come out. Function only for a single shelled peanut shelling machine structure is simple, cheap, to small home-based peanut shelling machine widely used in some parts of China, to complete the shelling, separating, cleaning and grading capabilities of the larger peanut sheller peanut processing in a number of high-volume business in more general use.
Shelled peanuts scraper machine operating correctly, and read the main parts of the design, if poorly designed, the machine will not operate or can not operate, then the production out of this machine is a pile of waste. Designed, the machine can operate on the normal and the peanut sheller. Therefore, shelled peanuts scraper design of main parts of machine in the whole design process is particularly important, reasonable design will provide users with more convenience and benefits.
Key words:Peanut Shelling Peanut shelling machine scraper
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
1 绪论 2
1.1 研究背景 2
1.2 花生脱壳机械的发展 2
1.3 花生脱壳机械的研究应用现状 7
1.4 花生脱壳机械研究重点 10
1.5 花生脱壳机械应用前景展望 11
2 刮板式花生去壳机的结构及工作原理 13
2.1 刮板式花生去壳机的结构 13
2.2 工作原理 14
3 刮板式花生去壳机主要部件的结构设计 16
3.1 设计前各项参数的确定 16
3.2 V带传动 19
3.3 轴 22
3.4 刮板结构 25
3.5 半栅笼 26
3.6 箱体 26
3.7 壳仁分离装置 27
3.8 机架 27
3.9 附件 27
4 如何正确使用花生脱壳机 28
5 总结 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31
花生在加工或作为出口商品时,需要进行剥壳加工。花生在制取油脂时,剥壳的目的是为了提高出油率, 提高毛油和饼粕的质量,利于轧胚等后续工序的进行和皮壳的综合利用。传统的剥壳为人力手工剥壳,手工剥壳不仅手指易疲劳、受伤,而且工效很低,所以花生产区广大农民迫切要求用机器来代替手工剥壳。花生剥壳机的诞生在很大程度上改变了这种局面,使花生产区的农民不必再采用最原始的剥壳方法进行剥壳,从而大大地减轻了农民的体力劳动,同时还提高了花生剥壳的效率。
1.2 花生脱壳机械的发展
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