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  • ug充电器模型机械毕业论文摘 要

    CAD/CAM是计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造的简称。CAD/CAM软件很多,如MasterCAM, Pro/Engineer, UG等。Unigraphics(简称UG)软件是美国EDS公司著名的3D产品开发软件,利用UG软件可以更好地提高设计质量与设计效率,由于其强大的功能,已逐渐成为当今世界最为流行的CAD/CAE/CAM软件之一。



    CAD/CAM is an abbreviation of Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing. There are many CAD/CAM software,such as MasterCAM, Pro/Engineer, UG and so on. Unigraphics(called UG)produced by American EDS Corporation is famous 3D software. The design quality and the rated capacity can be improved well by using UG software. As a result of its formidable function, UG has gradually becoming one of the most world popular CAD/CAE/CAM software.
    This paper elaborates on 3D model design and virtual manufacturing of chargers by UG Software. First in CAD modeling, draw the 3D model of chargers through tensile entities, Boolean operation, shell entities and entities rounding function. Then in UG processing module, complete the Chargers virtual manufacturing model. It produces two plane contour milling procedures. One is a rough machining procedure another is a precision machining procedure. In post processing, the topic selects the MILL_3_AXIS machine. It can produce procedure which can be identified by machine. In the virtual manufacturing, processing craft must be considered which contains the cutting tool, cutting specifications choice and so on. The article also gives a detailed briefing.
    In addition, this paper introduces a program transmission method. By CimcoEdit input software generated procedures into Siemens milling machine. It should be noted that the rough machining procedure is short, may directly transmitted into machine. But the precision work procedure is very long and it cannot be transmitted into the machine. It needs to be transmitted while processing. This is called CNC.

    Key words: CAD/CAM;the virtual manufacturing;NC;UG;charger
    目 录

    第一章 绪论 1
    1.1 引言 1
    1.2 选题背景与意义 1
    1.3 研究现状 3
    1.4 本文结构 4
    第二章 CAD/CAM的概况 5
    2.1 CAD/CAM技术的发展 5
    2.2 常见的CAD/CAM软件 6
    2.3 UG NX的介绍 7
    2.3.1 UG的功能及特点 7
    2.3.2 UG的主要功能模块 9
    第三章 充电器模型测绘 11
    3.1 测绘方法 11
    3.2 测绘过程 11
    第四章 基于UG的充电器CAD实体设计过程 13
    4.1 实体建模过程 13
    4.1.1 画出充电器三维造型的轮廓线 13
    4.1.2 创建实体 16
    4.1.3 前视图造型设计 18
    4.1.4 倒圆角 20
    4.1.5 实体抽壳 22
    4.1.6 孔的设计 22
    4.1.7 平移坐标轴 24
    4.2 曲面分析 25
    4.3 工程制图 26
    第五章 基于UG的充电器CAM设计过程 28
    5.1 工艺分析 28
    5.2 CAM模拟加工过程 29
    第六章 充电器模型的数控加工 44
    6.1 数控机床介绍 44
    6.1.1 数控机床的选择 44
    6.1.2 装备SIEMENS 802D系统的XKN7140数控铣床的介绍 44
    6.2 机床加工的工序设计 46
    6.2.1 夹紧装置的选择 46
    6.2.2 刀具的选择 47
    6.2.3 切削用量选择 47
    6.3 加工过程 47
    第七章 结论 50
    7.1 总结 50
    7.2 感想 50
    致谢 51
    参考文献 52
    附录:程序 53
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