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  • 基于三维CAD的齿轮CAD系统开发毕业论文
    摘 要
    本文对系统的设计做了概括性的描述,介绍了直齿圆柱齿轮参数话程序设计及计算和软件开发中的一些关键技术及应用SolidWorks 进行参数化设计的方法。系统实现了零件的三维参数化建模,提高了建模效率,有利于企业缩短产品设计周期,提高竞争力。
    论文介绍在Visual Basic环境中进行Solid Works软件的二次开发,重点介绍Solid Works对象的属性和使用方法,并给出了实例。
    (3)利用Visual Basic6.0开发直齿圆柱齿轮齿轮,详细介绍了程序开发的各方面内容。

    关键词: CAD;VB; SolidWorks; API; 二次开发
    Along with the coming of information times and economic globalization,many mechanical manufacture enterprises must have the ability of quick development and innovation if they want to survive and develop in the severe market competition. It has been proved that three-dimensional CAD technology plays a prominent part in accelerating product development, improving product quality and reducing cost. It also is an effective measure to strengthen the competence of product innovation and enhance the market competition.
    The designs of the system were introduced in concision, are some critical technology of the process of developing software was given. The prrametic design of using SolidWorks and the process was expatiated. The three-dimensional parameterized design of simple part was realized, which simplifies the modeling process and raises the modeling efficiency, and it is good for companies to reduce the design period and to gain broad market acceptance.
    The Solidworks API methods based on technology are introduced with emphasis on the introduction of SolidWorks API objects’attributes and the method. An actual example is provided at the end.
    The target of the article is to develop a spring and gear part. The work that the author has done mainly includes several aspects as followed:
    (1)The technology of redevelopment of SolidWorks,which includes the principle of redevelopment, the methods of redevelopment and the tools of redevelopment, has been deeply explored.
    (2)The technology of mechanical three-dimensional solid modeling is entirely expounded, and is also establishes the design thought of feature-based parameterized design combined with the technology of feature modeling and parameterized design.
    (3)Gear part have been designed with VB6.0. many aspects of system development are expounded in detail.
    (4)The parameterized design program of parts has been set up with the methods of dimension drive and program drive, and it also realizes management of the design information with database technology.
    The target of designing this system is to deeply study application of the redevelopment technology of SolidWorks.

    key words: CAD;VB; SolidWorks; API; Secondary development;

    目 录
    第1章 绪论 1
    1.1 CAD二次开发概述 1
    1.2 SolidWorks二次开发简介 3
    1.3 本次设计的主要目的 3
    第2章 SolidWorks 二次开发方法 5
    2.1 引言 5
    2.2 SolidWorks二次开发的原理及方法 6
    2.3 SolidWorks二次开发能的作用 7
    2.4 EXE,DLL和宏 8
    2.5 开发工具 11
    第3章 SolidWorks API接口 13
    3.1 Sldworks对象与Sldworks API对象 14
    3.2 获取接口方法和使用接口 15
    3.3 Solidworks API二次开发中应注意的问题 16
    第4章 齿轮机构 17
    4.1齿轮机构的应用和分类 17
    4.2渐开线的形成 17
    4.3渐开线齿廓的压力角 18
    4.4渐开线函数 19
    4.5渐开线标准直齿圆柱齿轮机构 19
    4.6渐开线标准直齿圆柱齿轮的几何尺寸 22
    第5章 直齿圆柱齿轮程序设计及计算 24
    5.1系统方案的确立 24
    5.2直齿轮的参数化设计框图 24
    5.2直齿轮的参数计算 26
    5.3计算结果校核 44
    第6章 程序运行实例 46
    结论 60
    致 谢 62
    参考文献 63

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